Royal Geographical Society (with IBG), February 2022

Core Maths and Teaching Numeracy

What do we mean by numeracy? How does it relate to Geography? Why study Core Maths as a school leader? In this 20 minute interview I talk about why some of the best Geographical Enquiry is built on great maths and statistical reasoning.

researched rubgy, June 2021

Word-Diagrams in Geography

In this session, we’ll unpack what we mean by word diagrams. We’ll look at how they can be used to make underpinning ideas visible, check for understanding, support writing, aid transfer, and boost retrieval. Whilst the examples will be focused on Geography, the ideas will be applicable to a range of subjects.

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researched birmingham, march 2020

Dual Coding in Geography.

At its simplest, dual coding is teaching using words and visuals; so far, so straight-forward. But what makes it work so well, and in what circumstances and contexts? What is computational efficiency, and how does it relate to schema building? In this session, we’ll look at some of the research underpinning Dual-Coding Theory. We’ll consider some examples from teaching Geography that worked beautifully, as well as why some others didn’t, and aim to make sure you leave ready to dual-code in your classroom.

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researched national conference, september 2019

Organising Knowledge: The Visual Argument.

When considering the curriculum, knowledge organisers have proven themselves to be invaluable for focusing our attention on precisely what we want students to commit to long-term memory. However, they rarely show the hierarchical relationships between this knowledge–it’s not really organised. This session aims to share how Francis Millers’ work on multi-level summaries, and Larkin and Simon’s visual argument, make a case for the graphical organisation of knowledge. Drawing on examples from teaching Geography and KS3 curriculum choices, we’ll look at how graphical organisation can support students in developing a schema that allows for this hierarchical complexity.


Teach Meet geography icons, june 2019

Nudging Behaviour

Some insights and thoughts on how nudge theory might help our students and how we can encourage the sorts of behaviours we’d like to see.